enroll in mwmm now


enroll in mwmm now 💲

Make More Money
with the Power of
Your Unique Astrology.

  • get financially organized

  • rock your money goals (with an epic group of women)

  • unlock your astrology money blueprint 🪐

Does this sound like your financial reality right now?

❌ You are avoiding your bank account & feeling disorganized

❌ You are overspending = spending guilt

❌ You are not planning for your future

❌ You are feeling like it’s impossible to save

❌ You feel like finances aren’t taught in a language you understand

❌ You are feeling like money is a one size fits all approach (when it isn’t!)


Why is it that that nearly 59% of women report worrying about their finances at least once a week?

(Source: Forbes.com survey on women and finance).

there’s got to be a better way for us & it begins with UNDERSTANDING THAT WE HAVE A UNIQUE WAY OF RELATING TO MONEY:

  • Astrology supports us in seeing that money is not a one size fits all approach

  • We can make, keep & build ourselves financially based on our unique soul blueprint

  • The topic of money can be softened & easier to approach via soulful practices like meditation, EFT, astrology, tarot & affirmations

Learning your unique money astrology makes money feel: FUN APPROACHABLECLEAR 

The space where money, spirituality & community meet

A 6 month financial empowerment membership where money, business, astrology & spirituality meet inside of one epic online community

organize your finances

learn your $ astrology

prosper your business


this is the monthly money membership that will change everything ✔️


3 live monthly EVENTS

Personalize your MWMM experience & get your unique Astrology Money & Business questions answered LIVE with NB 🪐

  • Expedite your personal financial & business goals with personalized Mentorship with Natalia.

    Get inspired & activated to stay focused on your big visions at these powerful & personalized community calls.

    2nd Tuesday of every month.

    5pm PST & 11am PST

    (time switches monthly)

  • Here we get out of the left brain & into our big vision for creating wealth, stability & more joy in our lives.

    Music + Focus = goals materializing quicker than we can imagine.

    4th Tuesday of every month:

    11am PST & 5pm PST

    (time switches monthly)

  • Live on our private MWMM Instagram: meet up with NB & rest of the MWMM Community for a money & mysticism session:

    • tarot card pull

    • success eft tapping

    • money biz & astrology Q&A

    1st & 3rd Friday of the month:

    10:30am PST

24/7 MWMM study portal

Your Online Course Streaming Portal where Money, Business, Astrology & Spirituality meet: money goals met & mastered here 💻

  • Easily master the NB money organization basics with this quick 6 part welcome series:

    • money astrology

    • money tracking & mgmt.

    • weekly spending & business budgeting

    • creating your money date

    • you’re ready to rock MWMM with results that last a lifetime.

  • Personalize your MWMM Success Journey with 5 unique Success Tracks:

    1. Enhance your income

    2. Heal Debt

    3. Money Astrology & Spirituality

    4. Money Mgmt & Investing

    5. Business Growth & Entrepreneurship

    choose 1 success track or take them all!

  • Stay on track with the MWMM Portal Roadmap & enter for the chance to win cash!:

    • this is not just another membership course where you lose track of your progress & goals

    • with the MWMM Roadmap you have an intelligent way of tracking your progress & aceing your deep why for joining the membership in the first place!

private Instagram community

Exclusive Money & Astrology Content to keep you focused on your big goals + involved in the MWMM happenings 📲

  • exclusive & easy to consume money business & astrology content only found inside our private MWMM Community

  • Connect with NB and the MWMM Community bi-monthly inside of our exclusive IG LIVE:

    This is a powerful & inspiring monthly community chat where we eft tap - do our money tarot & get our astrology - money & business questions answered!

    1st & 4th Friday of every month: 10:30am PST

  • This is not another membership community where you feel out of the loop: stay in the know easily inside of our private (and aesthetically stunning!) IG Community

MWMM has supported over 2000+ women in the last 5 years go from:

financially disorganized

stressed with money

money avoidant


feeling peace with money

excited to build for the future

“MASSIVE shift for me, i’m implementing the money management [system] and have saved $1.4k into my FFA [financial freedom account] and emotionally I feel the shift!!”

Maia | Brand designer / creative mentor

“No more arguments with my partner about $ (biggest win),

Massive upgrades with my savings (and sustaining it), not worrying about paying bills vs having fun (I get both), pay increases and bonuses from an energetic standpoint of clearing the “yuck” I had with money, and an incredible credit score in 2 years of focus (was: 729, current: 830)…plus an incredible community and new friendships made!”

Katelyn | Chakra Activator

“[MWMM] has opened me to less resistance to looking at my finances, and I have a real sense of where I am at and therefore confidence and therefore self love and therefore relaxed nervous system in life!”

Ruthie | spiritual energy guide & mentor

You are tired of people speaking money & business to you like you don’t get what’s going on…


  • business owners

  • healers

  • astrologers

  • conscious ceo’s

  • mother’s

  • change makers

  • spiritual practitioners

  • & the spiritually curious

who have been looking for an inclusive financial organization meets spirituality solution to take their finances, dreams & future to the stable next level.


this is the monthly money membership that will change everything ✔️

Hi babe, i’m Natalia!


I have my own Financial Empowerment Membership (you are here!) and heart-led business school because I am healthfully obsessed with helping more heart led (and dare I say, empathic & sensitive!) women like me create financial peace via money organization, healthy financial habits and conscious business.

My work has been quoted & featured in Women's Health, InStyle, Well+Good, Yahoo Finance & HelloGiggles.

My mission is to see women empowered with the ability to create their own revenue streams running businesses that better peoples lives.

I know what it’s like to feel lost, overwhelmed or just frankly just super chaotic with your finances and MWMM was created so you can quickly get yourself on the right track with the 6 easy financial tools that transformed my life.





Step 1: Choose your Success Track


Step 2: Learn the 6 Financial Basics


Step 3: Learn your money Astrology Blueprint

Your Investment:

monthly membership

$88 / month

6 month MINIMUM

enjoy lifetime access to money mgmt mastery with your mwmm enrollment!


your less than 6 MONTHs away from transforming your relationship to money forever 🔑

3 live monthly EVENTS

Money Business & Astrology Calls with Natalia and the MWMM Community: personalize your MWMM experience 🪐

24/7 MWMM study portal

Your Online Course Streaming Portal where Money, Business, Astrology & Spirituality meet: money goals met & mastered here 💻

private Instagram community

Exclusive Money Business Astrology & Conscious Content to keep you focused on your big goals + involved in the MWMM happenings 📲

What MWMM members have to say:

Your life after MWMM:

✔️ you’re excited to open your bank account & welcome more money

✔️ you know your numbers & spend without guilt (and actually feel peace spending money!)

✔️ you sleep well & feel ease because you know where you’re at financially

✔️ you feel more generous, in the flow & magnetic


MWMM helped me through a difficult and unexpected time with a client in my business.

I was able to turn to a group of amazing women, and had Natalia’s guidance and tools she recommended to walk me through that season. I also had the money management system set up and without it, I may have lost my business. I’m forever grateful to this community.”

Gabriela | Acting Coach/CEO

“I have transformed my relationship with money! 3 months after joining I went from 6k months to 16k in my business.

Using the tappings & meditation were so impactful in rewiring my capacity to hold more.”

Alina | Alchemist

“This community has taught me how to genuinely love my finances and treat my weekly budgeting dates with myself as a blissful ritual. I no longer have fear surrounding my abundance, which has helped it to magnify.”

Brittany | Spiritual Coach

Take a peek at the magic inside of MWMM


I know that you want to be a prosperous heart-led entrepreneur who’s confident with her finances & ability to make consistent money with her business…

In order to do that, you need clarity & confidence in how you relate to money

  • avoidant of money

    afraid to sell in your business

    or have an allergic reaction to managing your finances

    which could make you feel insecure & uncertain about your future.

    You might feel like creating a true & lasting uplevel in your bank account is a mere fantasy.

    Maybe even an impossible one at that!

    I believe you deserve to live an empowered, fulfilling & financially stable life.

    I believe you are here to create incredible change, to be as generous as you want to be, and live life on your terms.

    And as a women who used to barely be able to keep $50 in her bank account…

    I understand how it feels to be uncertain or frankly lost when it comes to taking care of your money & growing your business sustainably -

    which is why over the last 3 years i've assisted 2000+ women in creating a deeper sense of financial empowerment with my signature MWMM Success Framework that deals with both the tactical practical sides of money,

    while also healing & respecting the emotional, internal & energetic sides too!

I Here’s how you’ll get started inside of this 6 month life-changing journey:

  1. learn the basics of my easy (and fun) 6 part money mgmt. system

  2. choose your own unique success track: income enhancing, debt healing, money astrology, money mgmt & business building (choose 1 or take them all!)

  3. join me LIVE for one of our monthly community events & see that you don’t have to do your unique money uplevel alone!

Take action my love!

Your relationship to money can only change as much as you do!

And no one is going to do it for you. 🔑

Draw a line in the sand this year… So you can stop feeling unsure of how to get ahead and instead have a powerful plan that's going to take you to where you truly want to be financially in less time than you can even imagine.

Your Investment:

monthly membership

$88 / month

6 month MINIMUM

“Since opening my business in May, I had a goal of making 10,000 monthly but I didn’t know how to visualize it or how to manifest it.

NB helped me make small goals. I’m proud to say I’m closer to my 10k than I realized by simply tracking my money. I also have been accepting of my debt. Not allowing myself to be fearful of it.”

Christina | Business owner/electrologist

“I joined MWMM to overcome my fears of money & being seen.

Natalia & the community is helping me with this so much! 6 months goes by really fast so I intend to renew my membership — because it’s that valuable to me.”

Crescent | Your Well-Read Realtor

“MWMM has helped me and my partner bring structure, clarity and growth to our financial game. Especially with NB’s money tracking sheet - game changer!”

Elyse | CEO

FAQS: get your questions answered!

how often can I join MWMM?

mwmm opens twice a year in January and September with special enrollment opportunities available only to our waitlist!

mwmm is designed to support anyone with their relationship to money; business owners & entrepreneurs of all levels will find the course content & lives most relatable due to natalia’s 16+ year journey as an entrepreneur.

who exactly can benefit from this membership? just business owners?

“It has easily become a non-negotiable to be a part of this membership for my personal development as a conscious babe and business owner because of how impactful it is to connect with like-minded women entrepreneurs.”

- Brooke | CEO, Energy Healer, Astrologer, and Coach

6 months! This is an excellent amount of time to apply yourself to the MWMM Success Method while also feeling that you have the space, time & capacity to receive the most out of your membership experience. you can continue on after your 6 months as long as you’d like or easily cancel.

how long is the MWMM Membership?:

“I have been a part of MWMM for over 3 years and it is the most nourishing space to anchor into each month that supports me to feel empowered, get clear on my financial goals personally and in my business and I always have so much fun plugging into the content.”

- Bridget | Empowerment Coach, Grounded Mentor + Intuitive Guide

this schedule will take effect january 1, 2024:

when are the monthly calls with Natalia?

  • 2nd Tuesday of every month

    5pm PST or 11am PST

    (time switches monthly to accommodate as many timezones as possible)

  • 4th Tuesday of every month

    11am PST or 5pm PST

    (time switches monthly to accommodate as many timezones as possible)

  • 1st & 3rd Friday of every month

    10:30am PST

  • live quarterly trainings will be announced via our private IG community & added to the MWMM calendar

what if i’m afraid I won’t have time each month?

the amazing thing about mwmm is that you don’t need a ton of time every month to create incredible results and at just $22 per week ($88 / month) you are making an incredible lifelong investment in your financial acumen!

Here is our suggested recipe for making the most of your mwmm membership:

MWMM has both digital take at your own pace course material + the opportunity to join live to get inspired & activated with your wealth building journey

what time zone is MWMM based in?

PST (Pacific Standard Time) The MWMM Study Portal & private IG Community are available to you 24/7 for the duration of your Membership.

Our monthly Live Call schedule looks something like this:

1st Friday: IG Live @ 10:30am PST

2nd Tuesday: Biz Hot Seat Coaching @ 5pm PST

3rd Friday: IG Live @ 10:30am PST

4th Tuesday: Money & Music Movement Session @ 11am PST

“MWMM has helped me step up my business game big time. The variety of trainings and the incredible community has made my growth easier and smoother than ever. Within the first few weeks of dedicated work inside the portal, I was able to enroll 15 new students into my very new program. I was also able to structure my business in a way that has brought recurring revenue.”

- Charlotte | Spiritual Business Coach